J's Picture Blog

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Our Little Chenille!

Aaww!!! Isn't she adorable?
These are her first pictures. The first one in the day we got her, she was sitting in the kitchen. It was so cute when she tried to run because her fuzzy feet would sliiiide!
The second is when Jocelyn and I were on the trampoline trying to think of names. She is laying on Jocelyn's legs.
The 3rd is her very first bath given to her within 30 minutes of her arrival.
Click here for an update on how she's progressing.
Click here to read about how we got her!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Coco Chenille!

This is our little surprise! She is so cute. She is a 7-week old shih-tzu named Coco Chenille, but we call her just "Chenille". She's brilliant and stubborn but just so darn cute!
To read about how we got her, click here.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

J Incognito

Because of all the sickos and freaks out there, I know not to put my real picture on the web. Here is J Incognito!
A wig, some glasses, and some J spice on the left side and in the top right corner!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hi Go Bye

  1. Read all of the directions and memorize them.
  2. Click on the picture, in order to enlarge it.
  3. Find the word "Hi" in the picture.
  4. Stare at the black dot for a long period of time
  5. Watch as the word "Hi" disappears.

This is one of my own creations. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Colorful Changing Circles

I made this a very long time ago.
J's Picture blog is mainly for my designs, and this is my design, it's just a 7 second long series of designs. LOL!
I thought it was kinda cute.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ryleigh in the Sky

This is a recent picture of my dog Ryleigh. I made some clouds around and created a 3 dimensional glow circling him. At the top is his name synchronized with the colors about him in an elegant font.


Monday, July 03, 2006

Poster Me with Glow and Square Border

This is a picture of myself taken a few years ago. I edited it with a poster setting, a small glow, and a border of squares on a color line close to my shirt.